We have suitable social distancing and other safety measures in church. We are confident in our arrangements, so please do feel able to attend if you are well.
Face coverings are mandatory in churches, so please come prepared.
We hope you will join us online by participating in the YouTube service which is available on our YouTube Channel. Please click the link and don't forget to Subscribe to make sure you find us every week.
All YouTube and Zoom links found in your Saturday St Thomas email.
Email us at to be added to the email .
We look forward to seeing you online soon.
Sunday Worship online
We are delighted to present to you our own YouTube channel where we will for the present ongoing situation, provide you with our own Sunday Service of Worship, presided over by our priest, Rev. Pauline Nashashibi, and containing readings and prayers read by members of our congregation.
Subscribe to the channel to see the services posted weekly.
Bible Study - Fridays 2pm
Will re-commence with the regular fortnightly Bible study,
by Zoom for the moment, on 9th April.
We will continue with John.
All Zoom links found in your St Thomas email.
Email us at to be added to the email .
We look forward to seeing you online soon.
We were delighted to have a guest speaker at St Thomas' last year for Trinity Sunday. You can now hear Rupert Sheldrake's sermon from last year, on his YouTube channel here:
Many of you remember our friend and former organist of St Thomas', Nik Myers, who has been creating some online services for his current parish, Enniscorthy and Monart Union, a Church of Ireland, Anglican Church. You will find their services on his YouTube channel here:
Worship Services
Daily service on BBC Radio 4 LW every morning at 9.45 am
Sunday Worship on BBC Radio 4 at 8.10 am
Choral Evensong on BBC Radio 3 Wednesdays at 3.30 pm and repeated Sundays at 3 pm
BBC 1 A short Sunday service at 11.45
Church of England
Join thousands in daily prayer, listening or reading the text.
Daily prayers from St Paul's Cathedral, click their link to sign up to receive daily emails from them.
A short time of prayer with a reading and reflection invites you into a moment of freedom and connection with God.
Old St Paul’s Edinburgh
This is one to listen to and watch rather than read. Look under ‘Worship’ for Online Resources. Morning Prayer is live at 8.00am and can be watched later. In the evening there is Sung Compline – an ancient form of night prayer which beings with a few minutes silence.
Northumbria Community Daily Prayer
Drawing on Celtic tradition, this is designed for community use and some prayers have lines for Call and Response. However, if you are praying alone you can read these as an interior conversation with mind and heart talking to each other and with God.
Other worship resources
Prayer Apps for your phone - Many of them free:
Virtual Pilgrimage to St Paul's Cathderal:
Online with St Paul's: